The photo below belonged to my great-grandparents, Cloyd and Agnes Patton. It was taken about 1916 and includes many members of the family of Solomon and Catharine (Blosser) Mericle. Solomon and Catharine lived in Marion Township, Hocking County, Ohio where their children were born between 1830 and the early 1850s. After Catharine's death in 1865, Solomon moved to Allen County, Ohio, along with most of his married children. I assume that this photo was taken in 1916-1918, since Cloyd and Agnes Patton (who are in the first row standing, the last two on the right side) appear to be newly married and do not yet have children and James Miller (who died in January 1916) is not present.
Other known people include: First row of sitting adults: Jennie Strayer Miller, unknown, unknown holding baby, John Wesley Miller, Amos Miller, Margaret Mericle Miller, unknown daughter of Solomon Mericle (Lydia or Roseanne?), Catherine Miller Hesseling, Cinderella Miller Patton, Mary Miller, Effie Miller Phillips, Nora Miller Butler, unknown daughter of Solomon Mericle (Lydia or Roseanne?), unknown. Solomon Mericle Jr. may be the older man in the center back.
Any help identifying other people in this photo is appreciated!